The Fruit of a Data Scientist and a Doctor

The Top 100 Foods to Fight the Top 100 Diseases and Conditions

Make informed decisions about which foods to include in your diet based on scientific research. 

A Catalyst for Preventitive Care

It can be challenging to find consistent guidance on what foods to eat, and being swayed by marketing or adhering to the latest dietary trend can have serious consequences.

There’s a Food for That aims to educate readers on the benefits of a healthy diet, emphasizing the role of nutrition in disease prevention and overall wellness.

We analyzed reliable data on various diseases to identify the best foods for managing each condition.

Some of Our Respected Sources

We committed to basing our recommendations on rigorous medical studies and research from reputable institutions, avoiding opinions or anecdotal advice.

Mark Trudeau
“Eat more fruits and vegetables” - Most doctors

A Long, Healthy Life is No Accident

We committed to basing our recommendations on rigorous medical studies and research from reputable institutions,.

We worked our way through hundreds of thousands of articles and studies, ultimately compiling over 60,000 total studies on the top 100 diseases.

 This way, you can make informed decisions about which foods to include in your diet.